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Descriptive Text, Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, dan Contoh untuk Referensi Belajar

Rachel Anastasia - Minggu, 23 Oktober 2022 | 13:00
Ilustrasi descrptive text, pengertian, struktur, dan contoh untul belajar

Ilustrasi descrptive text, pengertian, struktur, dan contoh untul belajar

Baca Juga: Pengertian Kimia Hijau dan Peranan Pentingnya dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari, Aktivitas 3.1 Buku IPA Kelas X

Contoh descriptive text lainnya:

I have a big teddy bear in my bed, I named him after the God or War, Ares from Greek.

He has dark brown 'fur' with big round eyes that always looking at me warmly.

His heights about 100cm and he always be there to make me feel safe while sleeping.

Ares also have a hat in his head, it's red and round, literally suit him the most.

Nah inilah mengenal descriptive text, pengertian, tujuan, struktur, dan contoh, selamat mencoba!

Baca Juga: 4 Sifat Sosiologi Menurut Ahli di Buku IPS Kelas X Kurikulum Merdeka

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