(-) She had not bought the ticket before it was sold out. / Dia belum membeli tiketnya sebelum terjual habis.
(?) Had she bought the ticket before it was sold out? / Apakah dia sudah membeli tiketnya sebelum terjual habis?
(+) My mother had cooked chicken soup when we got home. / Ibuku telah memasak sup ayam saat kami pulang.
(-) My mother had not cooked chicken soup when we got home. / Ibuku belum memasak sup ayam saat kami pulang.
(?) Had your mother cooked chicken soup when you got home? / Apakah ibumu telah memasak sup ayam saat kamu pulang?
Nah itu dia contoh kalimatpast perfect tenseyang cukup sederhana.
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