Contoh kalimatpast perfect tenseyang bisa dijadikan referensi:
(+) By the time I got home, my brother had finished his homework. / Saat aku sampai di rumah, kakakku telah menyelesaikan PRnya.
(-) By the time I got home, my brother had not finished his homework. / Saat aku sampai di rumah, kakakku belum menyelesaikan PRnya.
(?) Had your brother finished his homework by the time you got home? / Apakah kakakmu telah menyelesaikan PRnya saat kamu sampai di rumah?
(+) I had fed my cat before I left. / Aku telah memberi makan kucingku sebelum aku pergi.
(-) I had not fed my cat before I left. / Aku belum memberi makan kucingku sebelum aku pergi.
(?) Had you fed my cat before you left? / Apakah kamu telah memberi makan kucingmu sebelum kamu pergi?
(+) My uncle had moved to London before this house was built. / Pamanku sudah pindah ke London sebelum rumah ini dibangun.
(-) My uncle had not moved to London before this house was built. / Pamanku belum pindah ke London sebelum rumah ini dibangun.
(?) Had your uncle moved to London before this house was built? / Apakah pamanmu sudah pindah ke London sebelum rumah ini dibangun?
(+) She had bought the ticket before it was sold out. / Dia sudah membeli tiketnya sebelum habis terjual.
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