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Contoh Narrative Text Berjenis Fabel yang Menarik, Dijamin Mudah Bikinnya!

Rachel Anastasia - Selasa, 25 Oktober 2022 | 08:21
Contoh narrative text yang bisa dijadikan referensi belajar

Contoh narrative text yang bisa dijadikan referensi belajar

Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Esai Evaluasi Bab Sosiologi Buku IPS Kelas X Kurikulum Merdeka

Contoh narrative text dengan jenis fabel atau kisah hewan yang dilansir dari Bobo.

The Fox and The Stork

Once upon a time, there was a stork lived on a jungle.

One day, a selfish fox invited the stork for dinner. Stork was very happy with the invitation.

She arrived the fox’s home on time and knocked at the door with her long beak.

The fox took her to the dinner table and served some soup in shallow bowls for both of them.

As the bowl was too shallow for the stork, she couldn’t have soup at all.

But, the fox licked up his soup quickly.

The stork was angry and upset, but she didn’t show her anger and behaved politely.

To teach a lesson to the fox, she then invited him for dinner the next day.

She too served soup, but this time the soup was served in two tall narrow vases.

Editor : Hits

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