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Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan yang Sederhana, Dijamin Auto Mahir Bikinnya!

Rachel Anastasia - Senin, 24 Oktober 2022 | 15:30
Contoh descriptive text tentang hewan untuk referensi belajar

Contoh descriptive text tentang hewan untuk referensi belajar

Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Esai Evaluasi Bab Sosiologi Buku IPS Kelas X Kurikulum Merdeka

Contoh descriptive text tentang hewan yang cukup sederhana:

I saw a cat in the park. She sat by the fountain showing how beautiful her eyes were.

She has very sharp eyes, its colour is blue.

I know that cat is a she, because she has pink ribbon on her neck.

She has white fur, completely white like snow.

The cat looks lost, she also uses a necklace, so I thinks she has an owner.

Shortly, I saw her moving neat the grass, I thinks she's smelling something.

Maybe the scent of her owner.

She is very cute, not long after that she was lying on the grass.

And I left for my next class.


Editor : Hits

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