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'Ares have Round Eyes' Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan Kesayangan

Rachel Anastasia - Senin, 17 Oktober 2022 | 15:30
Contoh descriptive text tentang hewan yang bisa dicoba
Rachel Anastasia

Contoh descriptive text tentang hewan yang bisa dicoba

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Contoh descriptive text tentang hewan yang bisa dibuat:

I have two rabbits in the house, I named them after Greek's Legend, Kairos and Ares.

Kairos have a fairly thick brown fur that makeshim look so fluffy, and Ares have a long black-white fur that makes him look so fat.

They are so cute anyway.

Kairos have sharp eyes like cats while Ares have round eyes likea cute doll.

They both have long ears, Lop we call it in rabbit's world.

Those ears will bounching when they're jumping that makes both of them looks more cute than ever.

Kairos and Ares will bite me a little if they're hungry, which I already told them not to do that but they still do it anyway.

Kairos and Ares sleep during the day and will be the most playful rabbits all night long until the dawn, and they will start to get sleepyat sunrise.

Kairos and Ares are spoiled rabbits, they always demand me to pet their head until they feel enough.

After that they will ask me for treats like apples or greens.

Editor : Hits

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