Tak hanya soal keamanan Sarah, Nana Mirdad juga takut tentang harga diri dan rasa percaya diri sang putri.
"I have a lot of fear raising a daughter... I constantly worry not only about her safety but also about her self esteem and confidence," ucap Nana Mirdad.
Ketakutan Nana Mirdad ini karena manusia hidup di era penampilan itu mempengaruhi segalanya padahal hal tersebutseharusnya tidak dijadikan patokan.
"We live in an era where someone’s physical appearance is more important than everything, which is not how life is supposed to be, that is not how we should value ourselves," kata Nana Mirdad.
Istri Andrew White itu berharap sang putri selalu tahu kalau dirinya berharga tak terbatas soal penampilan.
"I hope that she will always know her worth. Know that the best things about us aren’t always limited to how we look like on the outside," tutur Nana Mirdad.
Kakak Naysila Mirdad itu juga berdoa agar Sarah tumbuh menjadi seorang wanita yang percaya diri dan bahagia.