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Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan yang Bisa Jadi Referensi Menulis

Rachel Anastasia - Selasa, 18 Oktober 2022 | 21:00
Ilustrasi contoh descriptive text tentang hewan

Ilustrasi contoh descriptive text tentang hewan

Baca Juga: Jawaban Soal Esai Evaluasi Bab Sosiologi Buku IPS Kelas X Kurikulum Merdeka

I have a very cute rabbit and I named him after The God of Thunder from Nordic's mythology, Thor.

My parents gave me Thor as a present on my 17th birthday, which I waited for 17 years to have a pet.

I named him Thor because he has a grey fur looks like a warrior.

Thor was scared and like to be alone on the first day he arrived at my house.

So I gave him a little time to make him feels like home.

After 5 days, he already find his comfort and not afraid to approach me or my parents.

The more days we gave him, he started to getting close to me and sniff me a lot, like a lot.

Maybe he wants to know if I am a predator that will eat him alive hahaha.

After two weeks of bonding, he started to lay on my lap and ask me to pet him.

So after that day I always make time to pet him every single day, he really likes when I pet him on his head and ears.

Since Thor is a Holland Lop breed, he has long ears down to his jawline. And it will bounching everytime he's jumping or running, it is very cute.

Editor : Hits

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