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'She was Fragile and Little' Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Hewan yang Sederhana

Rachel Anastasia - Minggu, 16 Oktober 2022 | 16:45
Ilustrasi contoh descriptive text tentang hewan

Ilustrasi contoh descriptive text tentang hewan

Melansir dariGramedia,inilah contoh descriptive text tentang hewan yang bisa dicoba:

On my seventeen birthday, my dad gave me a kitten.

One thing that I wanted for a long time ago. I named her Kelly. My dad adopted her from a shelter.

Once she received my house, she was fragile and little as a bottle.

But now, she has full-grown to be a white lovely cat. She chows and exercises well.

Her fur grows thick and soft.

Kelly may be a charming cat and we’ll continuously watch out for her.

Berikut terjemahannya:

Menginjak umur yang ke-17, saya mendapatkan seekor anak kucing yang sudah saya inginkan sejak lama.

Saya kemudian menamainya Kelly. Ketika kucing lucu ini tiba di rumah, ia begitu rapuh dan mungil.

Meski kini telah tumbuh menjadi kucing putih yang cantik, sebab ia makan dengan lahap dan sering bermain.

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Editor : Hits

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