No Mold Required, Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk Makes A Hassle-Free Cookies

Thursday, 14 May 2020 | 11:58 WIB
  • Learn how to make Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk (cat’s tongue cookies with orange aroma) for Eid l-Fitr snacks with this step-by-step recipe!

    Resep Kue Kering Lebaran Idul Fitri Jadi Tambah Meriah Dengan Resep Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk
    Resep Kue Kering Lebaran Idul Fitri Jadi Tambah Meriah Dengan Resep Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk - Langues de Chat in French, Katte Tong in Dutch, or Lidah Kucing (cat’s tongue cookies) in Indonesia are already good on their own. But they become even better after dunking in a bittersweet, cooking chocolate. These cookies are inherently sweet, so a sprinkle of dark chocolate can provide a nice flavor counterbalance.

    Besides balanced flavors, today’s recipe also talks about aroma. Namely Kukis Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk, the recipe below employs orange zest to enhance natural orange aroma to these cookies. You can make it using leftover zest from tangerine, lime, or other similar fruits.

    Less-waste, easy-peasy, and delish-taste, these cookies are superior for reasons.

    Cooking time: 45 minutes

    Yields: 410 grams


    200 grams butter
    50 grams margarine
    75 grams sugar
    160 grams cake flour (low protein)
    20 grams corn starch
    20 grams plain milk powder
    6 egg whites
    1/8 tsp salt
    6 tsp orange zest
    25 grams dark baking chocolate, grated

    Cooking Steps

    1. Place margarine, butter, and sugar in mixing bowl. Mix using electric mixer in medium speed for 5 minutes, or until smooth. Add orange zest, mix briefly until just combined.

    2. Sift cake flour, corn starch, and milk powder consecutively to the bow. Mix until blended. Set aside

    3. In different bowl, place egg whites and salt. Beat using fork until blended. Add sugar gradually while beating. Pour the mixture gradually into the butter mixture (step 2) while mix until combined.

    5. Fill the piping bag with the batter (step 3).

    6. Apply excess butter on baking sheet surface. Apply pressure to the piping bag to leak out dough. Form a long (about 3 cm length) and flat shaped out of the batter. Repeat this step until the batter runs out.

    7. Sprinkle grated dark chocolate. Bake in a 140-degree-celcius oven for 20 minutes.

    8. Serve Kukis Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk (cat’s tongue cookies with orange aroma) as a sweet treat on Eid Al-Fitr.

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    Sera B
    David Togatorop


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